Technical consulting concerning the timber structure and the use of wood of a two-storey house into the trees of the Montagnola Senese in the countryside of Siena. Basement, external walls and roof are projected to guarantee a high level of thermal insulation, using only insulation panels made of renewable materials in order to obtain a low energy demand ecological wooden house. [architect: Andrea Magrini; client: private; details: private house 200 sq. m.; status: on-going]
DUOPUU is photographing the main construction phases of a 5-storey ecological wooden building designed by Essepi for the University of Trento. The dorm will house 140 students from all over the world in the highest timber university building ever built in Italy. The structural elements are innovative seismic-resistant prefabricated 3D-cells totally made of XXL cross laminated wood. The 3D-cells built in the factory feature preinstalled Essepi wooden windows, acoustic-thermal insulation panels and internal gypsum board. They are ready to be transported on site safely and assembled together quickly by Collini Lavori. Here the interview of Paolo Simeone on this project by the Italian Construction Innovation REbuild Platform.
DUOPUU is teaching in the Master Carpenter Course carried out by IFP “Pertini” - Trento Professional Training Institute with the support of the Autonomous Province of Trento. Carpenters are involved in the studying of the new construction methods based on wood and in the assemblage of a real scale model of a X-Lam (cross laminated timber) building. Thnx to Michele and all the team.
Executive design and technical consulting for a two-storey wooden house in the countryside of Padova. The entire main structure is made of prefabricated X-Lam panels and glulam beams and designed to be assembled in 5 days. [architect: Simone Pometto; client: private; details: private house 150 sq. m.; status: completed]
DUOPUU collaborated with the Claudia Narenti architectural office for the reconstruction project of an old building in Cesuna – a small town on the Altopiano d’Asiago – using sustainable materials and technics as much as possibile. 100% timber construction system was chosen for economical and environmental reasons. Due to the building elements specific storage and handling difficulties, the executive design included a special prefabricated X-Lam modules system based on wooden massive panels 125 cm (width) x 290 cm (height) x 10 cm (thick) ready to be easily assembled on site. The two-storey house meets the ecological standards of low-energy-demand building. [client: private; details: private house 120 sq. m.; status: completed]
DUOPUU loves to ride special long-tail cargo bicycles, an ecological and efficient innovative transport system to carry people, kids, stuff and everything for leisure and work. DUOPUU designs and assembles long-tail bikes using Xtracycle Californian kit. Please send email to Less car, more go!
Un paese si può definire sottoattrezzato quando non è in grado di dotare ogni cittadino d'una bicicletta [...]. È sottoattrezzato se non può offrire buone strade ciclabili oppure un servizio pubblico gratuito di trasporto motorizzato (ma alla velocità delle biciclette!) per chi intende viaggiare per più di poche ore consecutive. Non esiste alcuna ragione tecnica, economica o ecologica perché in qualsiasi luogo si debba oggi tollerare una simile arretratezza. [...] C'è posto, in altre parole, per un mondo di maturità tecnologica: è il mondo di coloro che hanno triplicato le dimensioni del loro orizzonte quotidiano salendo su una bicicletta. Ivan Illich, "Energie et équité", 1973.